Shipping and Delivery


All stocked items will be dispatched within 24-48 hours from the date the order was purchased. Unless there are complications with your orders
  •  Area Delivery Time
    Metro Manila 2-4 working days
    Provincial Areas 3-7 working days
  • Same day deliveries will soon be available in Metro Manila for Lalamove, Angkas, and Grab Express

Shipping Partner:

Our courier partner is Ninja Van Philippines. We will send you an email with your tracking number once it ships. Additionally, you will be informed by Messenger (Ninja Van) about your shipping progress.
In the event that your shipping address is out of your preferred shipping partner's delivery zone, our Customer Care Team will reach out to you via email.

Missed Deliveries

If you're not around when the package gets delivered, a courier may call or send an SMS to confirm if they can leave your order with any authorized representative who is present at your shipping address. Your authorized representative will be asked to sign for the package.

Delayed Deliveries

Please expect delays in receiving orders during sale events, special holidays, and inclement weather. Be assured that we will continuously work with our shipping partners to get your orders to you the soonest time possible.


Once your order is dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. If you haven't received any email, you may message us at
If you would like to track your items during shipping, you can do so by putting your tracking information on this sites
Ninja Van Philippines
You can also message our courier partners on their respective social media accounts